ST Outreach Soup Kitchen 

RCCG Salvation Theatre Outreach Soup Kitchen 

Based in Birmingham, We run a once in a week soup kitchen which feeds at least 70 to 80 families. We provide uncooked meal parcels and groceries, clothing items, bric-a-brac gifts, free advice centre and pointers to the right authority for required help and assistance to people in need. This is done in a warm and friendly environment where all our guests are treated with warmth, respect and dignity. 

Each Saturday, our pantry guests are able to take home at least two to three bags of food – one bag of dried goods, one of produce, and one of protein and dairy (fruits and vegetables inclusive). 

A typical food parcel might contain a combination of;

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables
  2.  Pasta/Rice
  3.  Beans/Spaghetti hoops
  4.  Tinned pulses
  5.  Tinned vegetables
  6.  Tinned fish
  7.  Tinned meat
  8.  Pasta/curry sauce
  9.  Custard/rice pudding
  10.  Tinned fruit
  11.  Long life milk
  12.  Breakfast cereal
  13.  Jam/Peanut butter/Honey
  14.  Tea/Coffee
  15.  Biscuits
  16.  Toiletries (shampoo/shower gel/toothpaste/toothbrush/deodorant)
  17.  Sanitary products (sanitary towels/tampons)
  18.  Cat food/dog food
  19.  Household items (washing powder/washing up liquid/toilet paper)

We offer this service each Saturday from 12.00pm – 1.00pm. Donations and goods from the church principally fund the soup kitchen. Volunteers from and outside the church offer their services to run the provision. Just recently, funding was secured from Western Power Distribution to provide more food to combat holiday hunger in families with children. 

Daily Manna for children (only children of school age) starts immediately after the Soup Kitchen on Saturdays from 1.30pm – 2.30pm (August – December 2022).

Future Plans

  • A hot meal
  • Form Filling
  • Assistance in accessing services
  • Advice and signposting
  • Practice developing language skills

We plan to expand our mission in the Soup Kitchen. We would like to offer the guests the above mentioned and an opportunity to talk of spiritual matters and life in general.

Business Name: RCCG Salvation Theatre Outreach Soup Kitchen

Date of inspection: N/A

Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building

Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building (including having appropriate layout, ventilation, hand washing facilities and pest control) to enable good food hygiene.

 Management of food safety

System or checks in place to ensure that food given is safe to eat, evidence that staff know about food safety, and the food safety officer has confidence that standards will be maintained in future.

We are always keen to welcome new volunteers onto our team.


On Saturdays @ 12.00pm – 1.00pm 

RCCG Salvation Theatre Outreach Soup Kitchen 
58a – 60 Westminster Road

B20 3LJ

We Would Love to Hear from You

Please write or call us with your questions or comments.

RCCG Salvation Theatre 58-60 Westminister Rd Handsworth, Birmingham B20 3LJ

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